Saturday, February 8, 2020

School Art History

Last year Mrs Cutler had a plan to beautify the face of some steps at our school. Every child in the school had to create a self portrait using only their house colours. Our whanau groups are inspired by saint - Aubert (red) Marcellin (yellow) Chanel (green) McAuley (blue).
The criteria for the portraits was to: 
Use only your house colour
Create a detailed picture of yourself 
Add your name 
Think about the background/foreground and how to manage the colour


This project was so fun, and as well as livening up the boring wooden steps this is a memory of the people who were in our school in 2019. Mrs Cutler is hoping to do this project each year - its almost like a time capsule! When you walk into our school you can see the colours and faces - we love it!


  1. HI my name is Avania from Glenbrae School. I love your project i can see you guys have a lot of fun while doing this. keep it up guys!

  2. Hi my name is Aj.

    Great blog post it is very cool that you guys used your house colors to create a self portrait. In my school i'm in kauri/Green house.


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  5. Hi Aj, thanks heaps for all of your comments - have you checked out our individual blogs yet?

    1. Not yet but I will sure go and see them
      Thank you.


  6. Hola my name is Avania
    What an amazing video about your guys house colors.
