Monday, March 16, 2020

Float, Float, Float Your Boat ... ⛵

For Mahi Tahi last week Mrs Cutler gave out this challenge...

This task required all of the 4 Cs but especially Critical Thinking and Communication.
The time limit was a challenge but the boats that were created were amazing.
We looked at the successful designs and discussed why and how they were successful.  We did the same for the unsuccessful boats. Photos to come!


  1. Hi my name is Aj from Glebrae School

    sounds like a very fun challenge. What was the hardest thing in this challenge.


  2. Hi my name is Avania, I am from Glenbrae school. I wanna say what a amzaing work you have done, I see you have tryed very hard on this work keep the good work up.
    By Avania

  3. Hi my name is Aj and I go to Glenbrae School.
    Great job I really like the task you have done on float float float your boat it sounds very fun and interesting.

